Sarah & David Berger
Sarah is a Clinical Nurse Specialist at University of California, San Francisco. David is an entrepreneur with a passion for education, consumer behavior, and data-driven marketing. In a four-year period, David co-founded three companies, which all scaled to $30MM in revenue or greater, holding positions across both revenue generation and finance. Sarah and David have been incredibly generous donors and strategic supports for Pandemic of Love.
Sandy Grushow
Sandy is the CEO of Phase 2 Media, a board member for The Weather Company (parent company of The Weather Channel) and works with MediaLink in the role of senior media advisor. He is the former chairman of Fox’s broadcast network and television studio. Sandy has been a strategic advisor to Pandemic of Love since June 2020.
Ashley Hoff
Ashley is the Senior Vice President of Development with Levity Live, a media company that owns multiple production houses, a talent management firm and live entertainment venues around the US. Ashley has been an incredible supporter of Pandemic of Love and a strategic advisor since the Fall of 2020.
Gillian Hormel
Gillian is a writer and producer with The Creative Network and has been a strategic advisor and generous donor to Pandemic of Love since the Fall of 2020.
Simone Hutchinson
Simone is an attorney and Principal in the Healthcare Compliance Office of Genentech. She has been a generous donor since March 2020 and a strategic advisor since shortly thereafter.
Shelah Marie
Shelah is an author, self-love advocate, lifestyle entrepreneur, and CEO + Founder of Curvy, Curly Conscious, a safe space for Black women to connect and heal. Under her direction, CCC launched a POL micro-community chapter in May 2020 and has successfully helped hundreds of community members.
Corey McGuire
Corey is a creative entrepreneur and founder of Winston House, an artist haven and creative cornerstone of L.A.’s West End music scene. Corey has been a strategic advisor and supporter of Pandemic of Love since April 2020. He is directly responsible for much of the media coverage that has helped scale the organization.
Jay Rozensweig
Jay is the founder and CEO of Rosenzweig & Company, an executive recruitment firm, which publishes the annual Rosenzweig Report on Women at the Top Levels of Corporate Canada. Jay has been a strategic advisor and connector for Pandemic of Love since the summer of 2020.
Jeff Rosenzweig
Jeff Rosenzweig founded JD Beauty in 1977 while attending Stony Brook University, where he received his BA in Economics. As Founder & CEO, Jeff grew the business to over $50 million in revenue. Jeff has worked closely with Private Equity, participating in multiple successful acquisitions and exits. He serves on the board of directors of several companies including JD Beauty and has been nominated for E&Y Entrepreneur of the Year.
Sharon Salzberg
Sharon is a world-renowned meditation teacher who is credited with being one of the first individuals to bring modern meditation to the Western world. She is a NY Times Best Selling Author and the co-founder of the first meditation retreat center in North America, Insight Meditation Society. Sharon is a spiritual and strategic advisor for Pandemic of Love.
Neil St. Clair
Neil is a respected social entrepreneur, journalist, and philanthropist. He is the CEO & Founder of NES Impact, a management consultancy. He also concurrently leads the fear-focused venture studio, Notimor, and private membership society, The Corsair.
Alexander (Xander) Schultz
Xander is a social justice entrepreneur, philanthropist, and activist. As a tech entrepreneur in Silicon Valley, Xander was on the founding teams of two consumer social productivity technology companies, Complete and Kifi, which was acquired in 2016 by Google. He has co-founded the refugee aid organization, When We Band Together, with his wife Zoë.
Jeff Walsh
Jeff is currently retired and most recently served as the Controller/Chief Accounting Officer at Citigroup. Prior to that he was with KPMG. Since May 2020, Jeff’s wife, Sharon, has been the Manhattan Beach chapter leader and the Greater Los Angeles chapter leader for Pandemic of Love. Jeff and Sharon have also been generous donors.